Our Philosophy of Care

In our multi-age programs, we base our program on a philosophy of deep respect for the children in our care.
This means that we:

  • Establish a mutual trust between children & staff

  • Are available to children and listen to children

  • Involve children in things that concern them and balance their voices with the voices of their caregivers

  • Understand that challenges represent learning opportunities

  • Support each child’s uniqueness and support and celebrate diverse family and cultural backgrounds

  • Believe that children need warm, nurturing care

We believe that children are capable, competent learners with inherent rights and responsibilities, so we develop responsive programs through negotiation and co-construction with children.

We believe that children also learn through interactions with others, so we provide opportunities to play both with other children and with us.

We believe that children learn from each other, so we have a wide age range.

We believe that parents are the most important people in a child’s life, so we listen and try to act on parents’ concerns, desires and hopes for their children. We welcome participation and ideas from parents.

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Play consists of those activities performed for self-amusement that have behavioural, social, and psychomotor rewards. It is child-directed, and the rewards come from within the individual child; it is enjoyable and spontaneous. Play does not always produce a product and is focused on the feelings and results the child is seeking in that moment. Play is the mechanism through which all learning happens. It is also how children investigate, form, and reinforce a self concept, how they work through things they don’t understand (be it cognitive, emotional, or social), how literacy and language development occur, and how children explore the world. Different types of play include risky play, sensory or messy play, dramatic play, and loose parts play. Please feel free to ask more about these types of play and how we support them.

Best Daycare North Vancouver


Family involvement is a welcome component of our program. Each family will choose the level of involvement that suits the needs of their lives. Involvement opportunities include social events such as potlucks, evenings of exploration, family nights, support opportunities such as taking part in projects or field trips.

We believe that parents are the most important people in a child’s life, so we listen and try to act on parents’ concerns, desires and hopes for their children. We welcome participation and ideas from parents.

We encourage you to share your occupation, cultural background, interesting experience and expertise with us as that will enrich our program.

We will keep you informed on what is happening in the centre and hope that you will feel free to make suggestions and ask questions through phone calls, written notes or emails. Please feel free to discuss any concerns with individual staff members and/or the manager of the centre. If you require a confidential conference, the manager will arrange to have staff coverage so that you can meet in the office.